"Phantōm whispers" / Don Quixoe adventures in the spiritual world
"Illusions come up surprising me, and every time they happened, I find myself gazing upon the eyes of the beholder, my heārt stops beating and my phantom hand is painting, Dōn Quixōte, Isn't just a knight for me, he is me, he is you, and everybody else."
Dōn Quixōte is a legend, sure, everybody knows that he was a hero and also a knight.
I find a lot in common with this one crazy knight, who fought against giants and gave all his loot to his beloved Dulcinea del Toboso, the lady of the wind he loved.
why wind?
eventually, Don Quixote was fighting against windmills, and this lady Dulcinea didn't know him at all, he cannot win this battle of air.
"so this was all in his head?"
"was he fighting his own internal spirit?"
I might think loudly that maybe Don Quixote is an analogy to us, to love, to this life that we are living, maybe if we just think about it, we will understand that in each and every one of us there is this person who wants to find the unconditional love that he's willing to give his life for.
so, for me, Don Quixote is nothing but the hopelessly romantic guy who wanted to share his love with the lost lady of the wind, who blows the story, creating him with a blow as "the knight of the wind", which is a phantom knight, together with his horse Rocinate which is now nothing but a nightmare or a hellhound or even a spirit dragon... this phantom beast is an endless combination of pair of eyes, each pair will give different creation to this phantom beast.
Quixote is passing through the narrow path of the red sea of death, which there is no other road to cross, this obstacle must be overcome in order to pass the path he needs to walk to free his mind.
his white lance is fighting against the spirit world that is deep inside of him, he faces boldly his fears and beliefs and fighting with the flames of his black lance of immortality, he manages to hit the flash of the windmill giants.
these imaginary creatures inside of his head, like us all, fighting against the wind, against beliefs, and even against ourselves.
it's fire everywhere and if we look at each rounded bubble that represents a windmill, we can see eyes, all over this tremendous masterpiece, and every pair of eyes will create an illusionary face inside the mind of the viewer.
meteors swarm now burn everything with the flames of Don Quixote's lance of passion, it is impossible to resist his charm, his love, to his beloved lady of the flames.
this heārtwork is also divided into four segments that represent the four elements of nature: wind, fire, water, and earth.
The idea for the heārtwork came from a vision in the heārtist's imagination where he saw Don Quixote of La Mancha, the known knight who is fighting windmills, riding his horse, and rescuing himself from slavery passing through the red sea.
The heārtwork represents Don Quixote as a "knight of the wind" more like a phantom, who is fighting his inner struggles and fears.
"Mighty waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away"
songs of Solomon 8:7
Element of Wind
In the wind segment, Don Quixote is riding his phantom steed, Rocinate, who is depicted as a creature from the depths with many faces and eyes, Quixote the phantom is holding his lance of light and fire and is about to fight the fearsome giants, which are actually an allegory for his inner struggles.
Element of Fire
The fire segment of the heārtwork represents Don Quixote's heroic fight for love, The giants and windmills are covered in flames, and there are meteors all over and fire all around. The burning windmills are also depicted in this segment.
every windmill is represented as an eye, a deep world of the elements and emotions that are inside of him.
Element of Water
The water segment represents Don Quixote's personal exodus from slavery, his own crossing of the red sea which represents the strings in his mind.
on the other hand, Dulcinea, Don Quixote's lover, is depicted as drowning and gasping for air, symbolizing her freedom from the phantom knight.
Element of Earth
Finally, there is no earth representation in the heārtwork because there is no stability in the story.
Overall, "phāntom whispers" is a stunning heārtwork representing the heārtist & Don Quixote's inner struggles and fight for love, freedom, and personal exodus.
In this creation, the heārtist has developed his heteronymous and this is one of his most important heārtworks that is still in progress.
Size: 130'' x 80'' x 2''
Materials: Acrylic on canvas, ropes, lost love, water, air, and fire - NO Earth
Years: 2017 - 2023
Work capacity (actual painting): 564 hrs est.
Knowledge Base: over 1600 hrs
Inspiration: Don Quixote crossing the Red Sea.
Location: NEW EĀRTH MUSEUM, REDHOOK, NY (SInce 2023)
Publications: America - Miami - Art Basel 2022, NEM 2023, Israel 2017-2022
the heārtist [Recanati], the birth of [S'cē].
schoōls / ārcanes : necromāncy, transmutātion, ālchemy, illusiōn, evocātion, sūmmoning, chronomāncy, conjurātion, divinātion, enchāntment, chārm, transformatiōn
this noble knight that almost everybody knows his name, but nobody knows his story anymore, unfortunately, people do not read anymore, they are like this heārtwork have no earth element inside of them anymore, it is all about the wind that carrys the whispers of love, the passion who makes the fire, and then reality quenches everything like the waters.
I keep asking myself when we will eventually be able to feel the ground?