Jimi Chē
in memorial of James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix November 27, 1942 – September 18, 1970
a fusion of Jimi Hendrix with Ché Guevara & Bob Marley (27th Club)
It was almost Friday, the fall of 2019, I was in the middle of a Séance and Jimi Hendrix was above my sofa inside the same frame that Jimi Ché is nowadays, he whispers to me, about 3 or 4 years I've made him in his previous form.
"I WANT DREADLOCKS like Bob's, and I was a guerrilla fighter too, like Ché but with my art, oh I love Ché" he said to me
and I was like.... woohohhhooooo
"... come on.. do that, you must!" he said to me
I quickly grabbed him and did exactly what he asked of me until he was happy with the results.
James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix is a part of my own collection of the 27th club members which I've made to honor the members of the 27th club.
I resurrected Jimi Hendrix into his current form of Jimi Chē in order to remind the world that "the greatest instrumentalist in the history of rock music" never dies, like his revolutionary impact on music in the 60's of the last decade.
I made him be like a general in Ché's army but with long hair like Marley's dreadlocks which get out of the boundaries of the frame, as he did with the guitar and his contribution to the world with his outstanding ability to play the guitar, sing and touch our souls.
Size: 40'' x 55''
materials: Plaster, wool & Acrylic on Canvas
Years: 2015 - 2019
weight: 8 lbs
work capacity (painting): 45 hrs est.
inspiration: Jimi Hendrix, Chè Guevara, Bob Marley
lifē symbol: <1♠ / A♠> Ā♠ (Solid Black) <â - lifē.com)
location: NEW EĀRTH MUSEUM, REDHOOK, NY (SInce 2023)
Publications: America - Miami - Art Basel 2022, NEM 2023, TLV 2015-2022
heteronymous: the heārtist [Recanati]
Replacement Value
$38,500 (Nov 2024) |
$35,500 (Apr 2023) |
ārcanes: necromāncy, transmutātion, illusiōn, 27th club member
#Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimi_Hendrix