I am delighted to invite you to explore my collection of art and culture, and I hope that you have a memorable and enriching experience. our galleries and our museums are dedicated to promoting creativity, diversity, and inspiration, and I believe that art can help us connect, reflect, and transform the world around us.

I look forward to welcoming you and sharing my passion for art with you.

thank you for being a part of our community!


It was almost half a year ago, since God send me to a mission to commenced the casting and carving of the Tablets of the Covenant. 

Since then I was worked on the sacred tablets “the Ten Commandments” for 22 days out of 40, that I’ll finish them in the land of Ziōn.

Greetings, my name is Roy Heārt Recnati, recognized in the art world by my stage name "The Heārtist."

I am embarked on a global mission to unveil the genuine significance of the tablets of the covenant, transcending the religious interpretations assigned to them by diverse world religions.

These are somber days for humanity, akin to the ancient Babylon of 2024, a time shrouded in uncertainty.

As people eagerly await the advent of the Messiah and the arrival of a great light to dispel the darkness, my mission unfolds. 

I aspire to construct a city named "Zion" in the deserts of California, where God supposedly touched - Joshua Tree, CA.


In order to fund this endeavor, I take part in events showcasing the Decalouge. The proceeds contribute to acquiring the land will construct the city from which the Torah will emanate into the world.


The divine resides within each individual - within you, within me, within everyone.

For insights into my journey, please visit my website (heā or explore my social media (@heartistgallery).


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