trānsmutation - magic ārcane of the transmuter

trānsmutation |
Focus |
manipulation of matter and energy, trānsformation |
60° |
Description |
transmutation is a school of magic that involves the manipulation of matter and energy to change its form or properties. transmutation spells can be used to transform objects or creatures, alter the physical properties of materials, or manipulate the elemental forces of nature.
transmutation can be extremely powerful and versatile, allowing the caster to reshape reality to suit their needs. Some common examples of transmutation spells include abilities such as: polymorph: allows the sorcerer to transform themselves or another creature into a different form, such as an animal or an object. transmute: allows the sorcerer to change the properties of a material, such as turning lead into gold or stone into flesh. elemental manipulation: this type of transmutation allows the sorcerer to manipulate the elemental forces of nature, such as summoning a gust of wind or creating a wall of fire. shape change: allows the sorcerer to transform himself into a different form, such as a bird or a dragon.
transmutation can be some of the most complex and difficult to master, as they often require a deep understanding of the underlying principles of matter and energy. however, for those who are able to master this complex and powerful school of magic, the rewards can be immense, allowing them to reshape the world around them to suit their needs. |
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