The road from no-where to nōwhere

"Sucked into the abyss Trying to lift myself,
Everything hurts already.
Everything hurts already.
My soul has already burnet
and I'm still only a glimpse from extinction
I lift myself,
With a force long gone
Facing the nothingness,
I scratch the burnt tuck, my fingers bearly revealing the walls of an old altar, beyond the black mist and hellish texture.
I cough, and think I can notice a bright light somewhere from abouve
I am sucked into the light,
pass through the infinity.
I'm long gone...
slightly understands, maybe for the first time,
what is light.
what is light?
Who's better than me to know?
how hard it is even to think that there is light when you are soaked in total darkness"
Taken from my notes: "The Road from no-where to nowhere"
Let's take responsibility for those neglected children of the lost world.
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